25 April 2009

24.04.09 : Fire Alarm (Again)

- how was my day? -

it was fine. it was a little busy, losing my patience at times:
"Astaghfirullah"... it means:"I seek forgiveness from Allah"...

i thought i could always cope with handling people. i always did but a different tune this time. told myself to move on and entrust confidence on others. insya'Allah...

as i set myself to dinner and about to leave the counter... the fire alarm triggered on top of my head. time to abandoned my appetite. i feel i'm on trial...

a while later - Alhamdulillah... all was back in normal order. i did not cry nor did i feel upset. GOD was always kinder.

now let's continue and pick up the thought i had left earlier on... dinner at the canteen.

i had Nasi Goreng with 2 Chicken Drumlets, Omelets & Stir-Fry French Beans. closing my meal with Bubur Cha-Cha and i little piece of Mini Carrot Cake...

after the meal, it over-ride all my negative thoughts, Alhamdulillah...

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