27 November 2008

26.11.08 - Slow Night Walk

good morning world! it was 0212hrs when i woke up. decide to go for a walk in the early morning. getting ready and out of the house almost 0300hrs.

i took a real slow walk along Balestier Road heading to SP.

less than an hour i'm already at Shafina. saw Anuj, Shree & Suman. hello guys! the rest of my friends were no where to be seen. some went home some having supper at Adam's Corner. i decided to stay and had some chat with my Nepali friends over drinks.

Shree will be leaving for Nepal tomorrow night. take care and i hope we would crossed the path again someday.

i and Anuj went to AJ Net next door. after spending 2hours, i decided to leave. heading home. Anuj was still chatting the morning away. see you again Anuj.

i stopped by at C.C Cafe to buy breakfast for grandma and myself before approaching the bus stop.

i had Nasi Lemak for breakfast and bought Mee Siam for grandma. hope grandma like it.

shower and i took some rest. unable to sleep. watching TV with grandma was the only option.

later i decided to leave early for work. i was out of the house by 1240hrs. way too early.

received an important call from someone. need to finalised she said. i'm fine and will be waiting for any update. i hit the phone booth and chat up with my Donut before heading to the bus stop. miss you too!

at work what seems going to be a busy day turned smooth. by then my eyes started tiring. why at workplace? God was kind, giving us a cloudy day and i felt better without the glare of sun in my eyes. (Alhamdullillah...)

by 2300hrs i felt zombied. i hate this feeling adding that i'm hungry. nevertheless i told myself repeatly to control myself. discipline was the only words that never ran out of my mind for now. i wished i was sleeping now. i wished!

it was drizzling outside before i left my workplace. i'm coming to SP. eat or not to eat? well it will depends on my mood. Anuj, see you later.

" i am fine here but would be better with my Donut around - in my mind that is"

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