07 November 2008

06.11.08 - Healty Choice, Perhaps?

having freshly squeeze Sugarcane Juice while chatting away with good friends at regular spot SP.

later on, munching on some 'Golden Apple' brand Almond while observing Zizi making her eyes looking beautiful. amazing.

an old friend, no i mean a long time friend drop by to meet. Kriss Kamal, nice to see you around and active again.

'Magnolia' Mango Yoghurt Smoothie anyone? delicious drink with Orange Pulps. i love it!

breakfast at home. you want some? Light Wholemeal Bread, spread lightly with Butter and with healthy serving of 'Kraft' Cheddar Cheese. you sure gonna love it.

lunch before work. rice with Fried Mustard Leaf, Indian Style. thank you grandma.

at work. i got a chance to try this nice tasting but funny smelling Japanese Mochi with Sake Liquor filling. heavenly done. thank you Ms Susan for sharing.

whats for dinner? cup of White Coffe with Biscuits. a small dinner, deservingly good after a lots of good food since last night.

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