26 January 2009

25.01.09 : CNY Eve

a good supper ended and i'm chatting up with friends.

from Shafina's to Rani workplace. i left around 0605hrs after getting a short nap (2 hours). heading to work.

work place was pretty quiet. a few things to do and attend . in other works, BORING!
i left a little early than usual from the office, heading home. oh my i'm so SLEEPY...

at home, Grandma had cooked Udang Sambal Ikan. lovely. i had 2 rounds of serving. (sedap giler!) eat with Keropok Ikan and Timun.

after the meal i had a couple slices of Grandma's Kek Kukus. the best Kek Kukus in Singapore. i swear!

a very satisfying meals followed with me freshing up and i know the bed is already inviting. good night...

i'm sleeping now and i will be going out later at night. it's the eve of CNY.

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