14 December 2008

13.12.08 - Friends & Home

after work i'm going to SP. meeting my friends though i'm working in the moning the next shift. yeay!

love to see them again.

i tried the new Ferrero Rondnoir. i like it! you should try too.

so it was a fun night out with friends. later by 0605hrs i'm on my way to work. no sleep? it should be fine.

thank you April for the Boy Bawang. my filler for the day, at least i would not feel hungry.

from work i decided to visit Baby at her workplace and at the same time i would be having late lunch. i bumped into Carole and Sunil, they are on the way to Baby workplace too. let's go together. thank you Baby for the discounted meals.

on my way home i bought myself Bubur Terigu and get grandma her favourite dessert, Tau Suan.

once i'm done with my Bubur Terigu, i freshen up and went to bed. goodnight, i really need this sleep.

i woke up around 2130hrs as grandma just returned from hospital visiting a relative. grandma brings home some food. Otar-Otar, Sukun Goreng and Kway Teow Goreng. i reheat the Daging Kepal that was prepared earlier on by grandma before she leave. thank you grandma for all the food. Alhamdulillah...

i was too tired to meet my friends and decided to watch Miss World on TV. grandma and me rooted for Miss Russia. you go girl!

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